November 27, 2017

"Jerry's Fishing Spot"

"Jerry's Fishing Spot"
12 X 24

This was a commission for a friend. She has such lovely pictures for me to use. This made me think of the lake I grew up on back in Vermont.

For her, the significance is even greater. This is a memorial to her dad who recently passed away. I hope it brings back many wonderful memories they had together and keeps his memory alive for her two sweet girls as well!

Photo by: Brittany Willis

November 1, 2017

"Joy of Horses 2"

:Joy of Horses 2"
20 X 20

Born from the enthusiasm of the first, the second followed once I convinced myself not to make any changes to "Joy of Horses". This also gave me the same enjoyment as I watched it appear on my canvas. My hands were all I used for this, no brushes. I feel like I have rediscovered the joy of my childhood!

Thank you to Cedar Grove Farm for the use of their photo as my reference!

Photo by Cedar Grove Farm

"Joy of Horses"

"Joy of Horses"
20 X 20

 Sometimes we need to let out work be play! Lately I have been experimenting more and more with finger paintings. These are paintings done entirely with my hands. No brushes.

I think I enjoy this method the most! It isn't as exact an art, but I think that is where my appreciation for it lies. I don't want to copy a photograph to the letter. I want to breathe myself into my works. I want to look at what I have done and be able to remember the joy I felt as it was created. I want to see my impact on each canvas especially when compared to its reference.

I know that this style will not be met with great praise from some, but I don't paint for others' joy; I paint for my own with the hope that others will see my joy and gain something from it.

Thank you to Karen Broemmelsick for the use of her gorgeous photo as a reference!

Photo by Karen Broemmelsick


16 X 20

While playing around with finger painting on a canvas that desperately needed to be redone, this emerged. I used a reference photo my sister took from one of our Vermont winters. We loved the snow! 

Photo by Megan Burnett

October 19, 2017

Horses and Dandelions

"Horses and Dandelions"
24 X 36

Photo by Cedar Grove Farm

Greatly inspired by Iris Scott who finger paints all her paintings in oils; this piece came out of nowhere while being the fulfillment of all the great art I have been studying of late. I put my hands in the paint and this is what emerged. I didn't originally intend to do a finger painting or a painting of these particular horses.. I had something else in mind entirely, but the inspiration struck and I jumped in with both feet (hands??).

My friends at Cedar Grove Farm have given me permission to use their photographs in my work, and I'm so glad I saved this one because it just begged to be put to canvas!

This is probably one of the first times I have felt a style truly emerge and didn't feel like I was forcing it. I love this piece.. I may be the only one who does, but I cannot wait to proudly display this.

October 8, 2017

Jessica's Monet #13

"Jessica's Monet #13"
9 X 12
"Jessica's Monet #6"
16 X 20

This piece was commissioned after my mom fell in love with the same one I painted before that my sister bought. So she asked me to paint her a smaller copy. As you can see they are slightly different, but obviously from the same reference. This is another of Monet's. His piece is called "The Red Boats, Argenteuil" and if you click the link you can see his piece.

Jessica's Monet #12

"Jessica's Monet #12"
8 X 10

I have painted this before and will include that version at the end, but I had a small printed copy of Monet's piece and wanted to try painting a smaller version of it than I did before. I really enjoy painting 8 X 10s right now while my time is limited. Monet's piece is called "The Garden at Argenteuil" Aka "The Dahlias". If you want to see his piece, click the link!

Here is my larger version I painted last year.

"Jessica's Monet #3"
24 X 36

September 7, 2017

"Jessica's Renoir #3"

"Jessica's Renoir #3"
8 X 10

Now this may appear familiar to some of you who have been following my work. I did a copy of this for my sister as a commission back in January, and my mother recently asked me for a copy for herself as well. So I went at it again without looking at my last one and only referencing Renoir's work. I didn't want to influence how it would turn out. I have included a picture of my first copy next to the recent one so you can compare the two.

August 10, 2017

"Silhouette and Sunrise"

Reference was from Vineyard Colors (

"Stormy Seas"

This is an original. I used my pallette knives for this one for the first time. A bit of a different feel. Makes me want to curl up by a fire with a good book. Hope you enjoy! I would write more, but my babies need their mommy!

July 21, 2017

"Ocean II"

"Ocean II"
Acrylic on Canvas
16 X 20
Reference was a photo by Vineyard Colors.

This is a finger painting. I used a liner brush for the horizon and that's it. Everything else was done by hand. Very calming to paint! Which is just what I needed!

July 20, 2017

"Sailboat and Sunset"

"Sailboat and Sunset"
Acrylic on Canvas
16 X 20

Another Vineyard Colors reference on this one. They have so many to choose from! My intent with this painting was to apply the impressionism that I've played with while copying Monets to a real photograph, since I am somewhat limited on coastal views from my house. =/

I did this in one sitting while my kids watched a movie as I am still in much need of a nap every day. I think we will go enjoy some lunch and then I'm going to crash!

July 19, 2017


8 X 10
This is the first painting I have done in over a month. I have been feeling a bit under the weather due to the laborious conditions of the first trimester for baby #5 and found that my normal painting time was turned into much needed napping time.

I feel well in the mornings, so while my children ran amuck, I snuck into my studio and turned this out for you to enjoy. I'm sticking to subjects that are effortless and you will probably see many seascapes over the next few months while I use my painting as a means to relax, rather than challenge myself.

My reference is through photography from Vineyard Colors. They allow artists to use their work, which is delightful! They have many beautiful pictures to choose from. You will not be disappointed and I highly recommend them to you! They also have calendars for sale with their beautiful pictures featured.

June 7, 2017

"Jessica's Pissarro"

"Jessica's Pissarro"
Acrylic on Canvas
11 X 14

So when I first heard the name Camille Pissarro, I thought it was a woman... I should've noticed the lack on an 'a' at the end of the name. I guess we don't see many men called Camille anymore; so I claim a legitimate case of confusion.
In any case, he has some great pieces! I think I may have to bring back a few more of his! The title for his piece is  "La Maison Des Anglais, Éragny" and if you click on the name, you can see a picture of his work. Enjoy!

"Horse in the Light"

"Horse in the Light"
Acrylic on Canvas
16 X 20

A big thank you to Karen Broemmelsick for the use of her photography! I'm trying to get more practice in impressionism with real photos. This is larger than the portraits of my own horses, so it had a different effect. I learn something new each day I paint!

May 24, 2017


8 X 10
All my old pets seem to be on my mind alot lately. This is a painting of my first dog, Buckwheat, who we affectionately called Bucky. He was part of most of my growing up memories. I was probably about 10 when we got him. I think I got to pick him out since I was the youngest (Yay, me!) He is gone now, but I think of him often and miss him. My reference photo was probably taken by my sister, but I honestly don't know for sure!

"On the Track"

"On the Track"
Acrylic on Canvas
12 X 24

I have no interest in horse racing, but I really loved the reference picture I used and thought you all would enjoy it. I found this to be a very artistic photograph and looked at it as a challenge. My goal is to become more impressionistic. I love that style. I try not to think too hard when I paint, but to just enjoy the process. Reference by Margaret Townsend.

May 17, 2017

"Jessica's Mathias Alten"

"Jessica Mathias Alten"
Acrylic on Canvas
8 X 10

Mathias Alten's painting "Reflections"
caught my attention with the colors. There was also a certain level of chaos to it that seemed to challenge me. I painted some parts of this with no clue what I was painting, but it somehow pulled together and gives me warm fuzzies when I look at it. I hope you enjoy my version and take the time to look at his!

"My Horses"

8 X 10
8 X 10
8 X 10
 Everyone who knows me, knows I love horses. I have since I was a little girl and never stopped. I remember dreaming about having my first horse and the hours I would spend pouring over horse magazines and catalogues.. I would add up the cost of what I needed to have a horse.

When I did finally did have the chance to get a horse, I was 14. Mom and dad had me pay them back the $1000.00 she cost.. and I did so with barely a thought. (Though it did take some time) I would've paid it twice over if I had to.

My first horse was a snob. She didn't like people for the most part and really didn't like to be ridden, but she was my best friend and though she frustrated me at every turn, I wouldn't have traded her for anything. I fell off her, got run away with, she escaped her pen ALL the time and she was hard to catch! But I probably learned more from her than any of the sweet horses I have been privileged to work with. She taught me about myself and about my capabilities and that if you stick with it, loyalty is an unmeasured gift.

My second horse was snarky as well and occasionally had an attitude, but she was so gorgeous and enjoyed being ridden. I didn't think I would ever sell her. She showed me what my training skills were capable of. Easy on the eyes and particular about her people.. She was a good fit for me. She also enjoyed children. Which is probably why she is now being used as a therapy horse in Missouri with her new owner.

My last horse was what I hoped to be the beginning of my grown-up horse dreams. She had the breed, the genes, the movement and was sweet, easy to catch, gentle and every other good word I can think of. She never held a grudge and would try anything I asked. But she did have a little pep in her feet. She was the perfect family horse and though she was more ordinary in color, she had the best attitude. We are lucky enough to be able to visit her and ride her on occasion as life takes us on a course different from young dreams.

Sometimes I miss them more than words can tell, but mostly I have wonderful memories stored up that I can look back on and that spur me ahead to a new dream with riding lessons for my kids, horses in the back field again someday and the joy of realizing new dreams and adventures.

May 9, 2017

"Jessica's Monet #11"

"Jessica's Monet #11"
Acrylic on Canvas
8 X 10

This is a remake of Monet's "Fishermans Cottage at Varengeville" and makes me want to go camping.. or fishing.. I would love to stay in a cottage by the sea!! Especially up high on the cliffs. We stayed somewhere like this at Prince Edward Island when my sister and I graduated high-school. Had the beaches to ourselves! It was such a nice trip. Love that some of these paintings of places far away can remind of of places closer to me.

I hope you enjoy!

May 3, 2017

"Lew's Pond"

"Lew's Pond"
Acrylic on Canvas
16 X 20

Photo by Brittany Willis

A sweet friend of mine requested a commissioned piece of her Uncle's pond to remember him by now that he is gone. She had a lovely photo she had taken for me to use. I knew it was special to her, so I tried to be as detailed and accurate as my painting style allows. I hope she and her family enjoys it for many, many years ahead and I like to think her Uncle would have been pleased to be remembered in such a way.

April 24, 2017

"Jessica's Heywood Hardy"

"Jessica's Heywood Hardy"
Acrylic on Canvas
16 X 20

I often dream of a scene similar to this. I lived it at one time with my own horses and dog. Some day I hope my kids can experience something similar. There's nothing like it.

Heywood Hardy was from a family of artists. He has alot of horses and hounds in his paintings. I wonder who this person was? I imagine she was probably a real person. maybe a family member. His piece is called "Horse and Rider on a Windswept Beach".

Anyone who knows me, know why I had to paint this. I hope you enjoy it just as much!

April 18, 2017

"Canoe on the Pond"

"Canoe on the Pond"
Acrylic on Canvas
16 X 20
Photo by Reyna Torberson

I enjoy seeing pictures my friends post online and occasionally I come across one that makes me want to paint it! This is the result of just that. My friend graciously gave me permission to use her photograph. I thoroughly enjoyed it and love that I was able to capture something a little more real this time!

I'm hoping to be able to apply what I have learned while painting Monets, to current pictures. This was an attempt to bring those skills out a bit more.

The challenge of this piece was the ripples on the water. Tricky business! I need to practice it some more until I'm more comfortable, but I feel like a technique is emerging!

April 11, 2017

"Jessica's Monet #10"

"Jessica's Monet #10"
Acrylic on Canvas
8 X 10

As my mom continued to work on her Lebasque piece, I managed to squeak in a little 8 X 10. We discovered that two artists in one room was challenging when working on separate pieces! I managed by using my phone while she continued with the use of my computer.

This piece was chosen rapidly with little thought. I knew I needed something that would suit a small canvas, so I picked the first thing I thought might do the trick. Using a tiny screen was a new and interesting challenge, but I'm delighted by the result.

My best description of this would be in the emotion connected to it. A mother taking a child to see something special near home. I sense a long afternoon of quiet exploration. You can see another woman and child in the distance. They may have enjoyed a picnic together! But above everything I feel a sense of calm and the essence of 'days gone by'.

Monet's Poppies at Argenteuil. I hope you enjoy his fantastic piece!

"Jessica's Henri Lebasque"

"Jessica's Henri Lebasque"
Acrylic on Canvas
16 X 20

My parents are here for a visit and since my mom has mentioned wanting to do a painting with me multiple times, we decided it was now or never!! I let her choose from my 'masterpiece' collection and away we went!! She chose a very challenging piece and is currently still working on hers. We do have different styles and while I am pretty happy with more general similarities, she is more of a perfectionist and takes a little extra time as she goes!
If she lets me, I will try to post her copy on Facebook! But for now, here is mine and here is what inspired us: 

Vezillon, la partie de pêche

 1915–1915 By Henri Lebasque. Enjoy!

April 1, 2017

"Jessica's Monet #7 (Remix)"

"Jessica's Monet #7 (Remix)"
Acrylic on Canvas
30 X 40

So while I love that my son enjoys my paintings and gives me lots of compliments on them (especially if there is water and boats); knowing he viewed my piece intended for above the fireplace as though there were meteors falling from the sky and the boat was about to blow up and sink kind of unsettled me!

"Jessica's Monet #7"

I finally had a chance to pull it down off the wall and take another stab at it. (There might be something about the orange sky that really didn't go in my living room that helped with the decision for a redo). All in all, I saved a copy of the old version for his sake, but I am happy that my clouds now look like clouds rather than rocks in the sky. I think he will approve as well since his favorite color is blue!

My version of Monet's  "Sailboat At Le Petit Gennevilliers" is less of a recreation and more an 'inspired by' derivative. It looks very little like his piece, but the bones are there! Click on the link for a look at my inspiration!

March 8, 2017

Jessica's Monet #9

"Jessica's Monet #9"
Acrylic on Canvas
16 X 20

So this may look familiar.. though it may not. I used a reference I have used before, but cropped it differently and the colors turned out different. I did not look at my previous painting since I didn't want to be influenced by it, so I'm happy to see that this painting is it's own.

It makes me think of when a bunch of people go to a "paint and sip" and everyone is using the same instructions and the same reference, but they all turn out very different, some drastically so. That was the effect I was going toward. I wanted to see where it took me on a different day.

One of the things I like about painting is that there is always a new way to represent an idea. I could paint from the same reference 100 times and each one would be different. Some would prefer what they create to look exactly like the reference, but for me, painting is about the imprint of the reference and my own creativity breathing through the rest. I use famous works that are no longer under copyright both because I love what the artist captured and because I love bringing their ideas back to life as a memorial. I don't want to copy stroke for stroke, as amazing of a talent as that would be, but I want to draw people into the world of art both past and present for the sheer enjoyment of something beautiful.

Here is a link to Claude Monet's "The Boats: Regatta at Argenteuil". Enjoy!

March 6, 2017


Acrylic on Canvas
16 X 20
Photo by Cedar Grove Farm

Trying new things is always fun. I love bright colors, so this was easy to enjoy. My sister asked me if I was ever going to try painting flowers; and since I knew of some wonderful pictures my friends from Cedar Grove Farm would happily let me use for my work, I decided it would be fun to try! This looks so happy on the wall!! And I think we are all ready for some spring! So to my friends up in New England and other snowy places, here is some spring for you.

One of the things I find interesting about this is the complete difference between the painting and the photo. Often I am timid when it comes to color!! and you can see my timidity here. Though I love what came of it, it is not how I intended it to be! I do not like my paintings to be exact replicas of the photos I reference, but this one was more different than usual!

February 28, 2017


Acrylic on Canvas
11 X 14

As I worked on my 8 X 10 Van Gogh, I had so much extra paint from being used to larger pieces that I decided not to waste, but to play with another original. This is what came out of that! Honestly these colors make me feel calm, nostalgic, and energized all at the same time.. I could paint and paint and paint with just these colors.

I'm glad I was pushed to paint another one because I think the more I practice, the better! My hubby thinks my waves are improving =D

"Jessica's Van Gogh"

"Jessica's Van Gogh"
Acrylic on Canvas
8 X 10

Honestly I signed this after Monet thinking it was one of his and when I was checking the title of the painting for my blog, I realized I had the wrong artist!!! This feels alot like a Monet, but it is actually a Van Gogh. It is called "The Sea at Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer" and if you click the title, it will take you to a website with a picture of his piece for you to see.

I hope you like it! My first Van Gogh recreation and I didn't even realize it!

February 24, 2017

"Jessica's Monet #8"

"Jessica's Monet #8"
Acrylic on Canvas
11 X 14

This piece was delightful to recreate. Commissions can be nerve wracking, but I so enjoy Monet's work that this would've been one I would've chosen to paint for my own pleasure eventually. His pieces make you feel the weather. You can almost smell the air. The sea is probably just past the horizon. I can picture the cliffs Monet loved to paint and can even hear the waves crashing against them. Makes me really want to go to the beach!

The piece I referenced for this commission is called "Woman With a Parasol" or in typical Monet form (and other painters of the time) otherwise know as "Study of a Figure Outdoors (Facing Left)". I have to admit this latter name made me giggle a little. He seems to make sure there is no emotion brought into the painting through the name in any way, Which, I do admit, I appreciate greatly. Many modern artists give lavish or 'deeply thought through' names to their paintings... Monet operates free from emotion and sentiment which isn't found much today. And yet his paintings are full of feelings and thoughts and energy. I'm glad he left the emotion within the painting itself and allows the viewer to pull it all out on their own! This small thing makes me appreciate his work that much more... and is why you see me naming my work in a similar way...  Jessica's Monet #1, #2, #3 etc. , "Sailboats"... ha! Doesn't get much simpler than that.

I hope you enjoyed seeing and reading a little more about this and I hope you pull from my work some small pleasure and nostalgia as I greatly pull it from Monet's work and from the process of recreating his work for others to enjoy.

February 23, 2017


Acrylic on Canvas
12 X 24

It's rare for me to work without a reference photo, but since it is a goal to eventually be able to paint without one, I occasionally retest my skills. I have been working with alot of Monets and water and sailboats, so it seemed plausible to be able to put together my own piece now that I have had alot of practice! I am still in need of many hours (probably years) of practice before I will be satisfied with my own original pieces, but I see marked improvement and that is always a good step forward.

I will have to put together an album with just original work so you can see the progression. (Check it out on Facebook!) I usually end up painting over them, though there are a couple that are up on the walls. Still, they are the first ones on the list to scrap if I run out of canvas!

Hope you enjoy this most recent original!

February 17, 2017

"Jessica's Monet #7"

"Jessica's Monet #7"
Acrylic on Canvas
30 X 40
I decided a change above my fireplace was in order. I have a fall painting up there now, but am really into sailboats (and summer....); so decided to paint a new large one. This is another inspired by Monet. I would say recreation of, but I don't try to copy it exactly, so I prefer to say a new version of his piece. His is titled "Sailboat At Le Petit Gennevilliers". Click the link to see what his looks like!
The picture I've included of it makes it seem so small, so here are a couple pictures from my phone to give a better idea. (My son helped me with this!)