July 19, 2017


8 X 10
This is the first painting I have done in over a month. I have been feeling a bit under the weather due to the laborious conditions of the first trimester for baby #5 and found that my normal painting time was turned into much needed napping time.

I feel well in the mornings, so while my children ran amuck, I snuck into my studio and turned this out for you to enjoy. I'm sticking to subjects that are effortless and you will probably see many seascapes over the next few months while I use my painting as a means to relax, rather than challenge myself.

My reference is through photography from Vineyard Colors. They allow artists to use their work, which is delightful! They have many beautiful pictures to choose from. You will not be disappointed and I highly recommend them to you! They also have calendars for sale with their beautiful pictures featured. www.facebook.com/VineyardColors/

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