April 11, 2017

"Jessica's Henri Lebasque"

"Jessica's Henri Lebasque"
Acrylic on Canvas
16 X 20

My parents are here for a visit and since my mom has mentioned wanting to do a painting with me multiple times, we decided it was now or never!! I let her choose from my 'masterpiece' collection and away we went!! She chose a very challenging piece and is currently still working on hers. We do have different styles and while I am pretty happy with more general similarities, she is more of a perfectionist and takes a little extra time as she goes!
If she lets me, I will try to post her copy on Facebook! But for now, here is mine and here is what inspired us: 

Vezillon, la partie de pĂȘche

 1915–1915 By Henri Lebasque. Enjoy!

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