April 11, 2017

"Jessica's Monet #10"

"Jessica's Monet #10"
Acrylic on Canvas
8 X 10

As my mom continued to work on her Lebasque piece, I managed to squeak in a little 8 X 10. We discovered that two artists in one room was challenging when working on separate pieces! I managed by using my phone while she continued with the use of my computer.

This piece was chosen rapidly with little thought. I knew I needed something that would suit a small canvas, so I picked the first thing I thought might do the trick. Using a tiny screen was a new and interesting challenge, but I'm delighted by the result.

My best description of this would be in the emotion connected to it. A mother taking a child to see something special near home. I sense a long afternoon of quiet exploration. You can see another woman and child in the distance. They may have enjoyed a picnic together! But above everything I feel a sense of calm and the essence of 'days gone by'.

Monet's Poppies at Argenteuil. I hope you enjoy his fantastic piece!

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