October 19, 2017

Horses and Dandelions

"Horses and Dandelions"
24 X 36

Photo by Cedar Grove Farm

Greatly inspired by Iris Scott who finger paints all her paintings in oils; this piece came out of nowhere while being the fulfillment of all the great art I have been studying of late. I put my hands in the paint and this is what emerged. I didn't originally intend to do a finger painting or a painting of these particular horses.. I had something else in mind entirely, but the inspiration struck and I jumped in with both feet (hands??).

My friends at Cedar Grove Farm have given me permission to use their photographs in my work, and I'm so glad I saved this one because it just begged to be put to canvas!

This is probably one of the first times I have felt a style truly emerge and didn't feel like I was forcing it. I love this piece.. I may be the only one who does, but I cannot wait to proudly display this.

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