April 24, 2017

"Jessica's Heywood Hardy"

"Jessica's Heywood Hardy"
Acrylic on Canvas
16 X 20

I often dream of a scene similar to this. I lived it at one time with my own horses and dog. Some day I hope my kids can experience something similar. There's nothing like it.

Heywood Hardy was from a family of artists. He has alot of horses and hounds in his paintings. I wonder who this person was? I imagine she was probably a real person. maybe a family member. His piece is called "Horse and Rider on a Windswept Beach".

Anyone who knows me, know why I had to paint this. I hope you enjoy it just as much!

April 18, 2017

"Canoe on the Pond"

"Canoe on the Pond"
Acrylic on Canvas
16 X 20
Photo by Reyna Torberson

I enjoy seeing pictures my friends post online and occasionally I come across one that makes me want to paint it! This is the result of just that. My friend graciously gave me permission to use her photograph. I thoroughly enjoyed it and love that I was able to capture something a little more real this time!

I'm hoping to be able to apply what I have learned while painting Monets, to current pictures. This was an attempt to bring those skills out a bit more.

The challenge of this piece was the ripples on the water. Tricky business! I need to practice it some more until I'm more comfortable, but I feel like a technique is emerging!

April 11, 2017

"Jessica's Monet #10"

"Jessica's Monet #10"
Acrylic on Canvas
8 X 10

As my mom continued to work on her Lebasque piece, I managed to squeak in a little 8 X 10. We discovered that two artists in one room was challenging when working on separate pieces! I managed by using my phone while she continued with the use of my computer.

This piece was chosen rapidly with little thought. I knew I needed something that would suit a small canvas, so I picked the first thing I thought might do the trick. Using a tiny screen was a new and interesting challenge, but I'm delighted by the result.

My best description of this would be in the emotion connected to it. A mother taking a child to see something special near home. I sense a long afternoon of quiet exploration. You can see another woman and child in the distance. They may have enjoyed a picnic together! But above everything I feel a sense of calm and the essence of 'days gone by'.

Monet's Poppies at Argenteuil. I hope you enjoy his fantastic piece!

"Jessica's Henri Lebasque"

"Jessica's Henri Lebasque"
Acrylic on Canvas
16 X 20

My parents are here for a visit and since my mom has mentioned wanting to do a painting with me multiple times, we decided it was now or never!! I let her choose from my 'masterpiece' collection and away we went!! She chose a very challenging piece and is currently still working on hers. We do have different styles and while I am pretty happy with more general similarities, she is more of a perfectionist and takes a little extra time as she goes!
If she lets me, I will try to post her copy on Facebook! But for now, here is mine and here is what inspired us: 

Vezillon, la partie de pĂȘche

 1915–1915 By Henri Lebasque. Enjoy!

April 1, 2017

"Jessica's Monet #7 (Remix)"

"Jessica's Monet #7 (Remix)"
Acrylic on Canvas
30 X 40

So while I love that my son enjoys my paintings and gives me lots of compliments on them (especially if there is water and boats); knowing he viewed my piece intended for above the fireplace as though there were meteors falling from the sky and the boat was about to blow up and sink kind of unsettled me!

"Jessica's Monet #7"

I finally had a chance to pull it down off the wall and take another stab at it. (There might be something about the orange sky that really didn't go in my living room that helped with the decision for a redo). All in all, I saved a copy of the old version for his sake, but I am happy that my clouds now look like clouds rather than rocks in the sky. I think he will approve as well since his favorite color is blue!

My version of Monet's  "Sailboat At Le Petit Gennevilliers" is less of a recreation and more an 'inspired by' derivative. It looks very little like his piece, but the bones are there! Click on the link for a look at my inspiration!