January 31, 2017

"Jessica's Renoir #2"

"Jessica's Renoir #2"
Acrylic on Canvas
12 X 12

This is a commission for my sister. I used Pierre Auguste Renoir's "Young Girls on the River Bank" as my reference. This is a combo between fingers and brushes. His painting looks almost like a watercolor. I wonder how large his is in real life? Most of these paintings that I copy from famous, long-gone artists are huge in real life. Most, if people are in them, were done in real life of real people. I wonder who these two girls are? A little research would probably tell me, but sometimes a little mystery is nice too!

I hope you like it!

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January 24, 2017

Finger Painting #2 (Jessica's Monet #5)

Jessica's Monet #5
Acrylic on Canvas
16 X 20

If you have fun with something one day, why not do it again? This is inspired by Monet's "Flower Beds at Vetheuil".  There's something very therapeutic about using your hands directly on the canvas. Paint moves a little more consistently and colors blend better, but you need more paint! This will probably need a little longer to dry than usual because in some places the paint is very thick!

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January 23, 2017

For the joy of Finger Painting! (Monet #4)

"Jessica's Monet #4"
16 X 20
Acrylic on Canvas

Okay... how many of us wish we were younger and could paint with our fingers??? Well, after being inspired by a favorite artist, Iris Scott (who paints with her fingers and is AMAZING) and being challenged by my friend Carolyn, I decided I would play today!! So this piece was done entirely with my fingers; no brushes. It is from Monet's "Regates At Argenteuil". I have to confess it only took about the length of time my children napped (about 1.5 hours) to complete!

Anyways, you should try it sometime! =D

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January 18, 2017

"Best Buddies"

"Best Buddies"
Acrylic on Canvas
16 X 20
Commissioned Piece

This is a commission for a dear friend of her little boy and their dog. She asked me to put two photos together into one picture since she had trouble getting the right look from both at the same time! Having never tried to combine things before, I was a little nervous, but excited to try it and see what happened!

I have included the two photos I worked from. I had to create a new photo first and then had to switch between photos in order to adjust the clothing and all the other things that were slightly off.

I'm a little sad to have finished this. My friend and her family are moving soon and I feel like finishing this makes the move a reality for me. I will miss them dearly! I am so glad we can keep in touch with modern technology, but my Thursday afternoons will not be the same.

A black and white version of my painting just for fun!

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January 6, 2017

"Red" Rocky Mountain Colt

I am so excited to have finished this and be able to share it with you!

As an exercise in improving my details, I chose a gorgeous photo from some of my favorite people Mike and Kathy Hartong. I feel myself improving! Horses are definitely going to become a trend in my painting! Nothing more beautiful than a horse (especially a Rocky Mountain horse!)

When I look at this all I can think is long, summer days brushing and riding horses and enjoying every second of it! How I miss it!

16 X 20
Acrylic on Canvas
 As a reference, I used this photo from Cedar Grove Farm. Check them out on Facebook (Cedar Grove Farm) and under the picture there is a link to their website.

Photo by Cedar Grove Farm

January 1, 2017

Let's try a Renoir!

"Jessica's Renoir I"
16 X 20

It's New Year's Day! Here I am ushering in the new year with my last painting of 2016 and my first of 2017 since I finished today!

Pierre-Auguste Renoir - La Danse a la ville (1883) is the picture I worked from. Here is a copy of his work. I believe the original is nearly life sized, so mine at 16 X 20 is so small! But it will look beautiful on the wall!
Pierre-Auguste Renoir - La Danse a la ville (1883). Impresionismo. Óleo sobre lienzo de 180 × 90 cm. Musée d'Orsay (París), Francia.:

As I work from famous artists pieces, I have learned alot. The time they must've spent on them! I can't imagine being so creative and capable that that is what ends up on canvas from their heads or a depiction of what they see.

I still need to work with a  reference photo most of the time, though I hope to work up to not needing one at some point! For now, I'm practicing.. and practicing..... and practicing some more. I know that the only way to improve is to put in as many hours into it as I can.

In the meantime, I offer my work for sale to those who would like a real painting but need a reasonable price!

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