May 14, 2016

Piano: Then and Now

We started the piano project about a month ago. I also wrote a piece about it with my before pictures. This is an old player piano.. about 98 or so years old! We took it off someone's hands for free... (with much joy on my part; soreness and a choice word or two on my husbands'...) =D

Here is what we did to it.
  • Pulled, unscrewed, and yanked  nearly everything out of the insides... (blisters!! those screws were TOUGH!! They don't make things like they used to!)
  • Vacuumed as much dust (maybe 100 years worth??) as possible (along with a mouse nest or two!!)
  • Used dish soap and water to scrub it inside and out
  • HOSED it off!!
  • (Repeated scrub and rinse)
  • Sanded rough spots
  • Cut and put in braces for shelves
  • Cut boards for shelves X 3
  • Cut and fit center braces for shelves
  • Primer
  • 3 coats of navy paint (enamel). (did you know there are MANY MANY different shades of navy???) Hubby did good I think!!
  • Drilled a hold in back for keyboard plug
  • Begged a neighbor's help in shoving, pushing, man-handling the VERY HEAVY GUTTED piano inside. (I own him and my hubby LOTS of cookies!) They barely left a scratch!!
  • Put shelves into piano
  • Put electric piano where old keys used to be
  • Added touch-up paint
  • Put final bottom panel back on piano
And Whaa laaa. Now we have a functional keyboard stand with built-in shelves and slots for our music holder! Costs were about $25.00 plus LOTS of time.

Tell me what you think!!

For more, like our Facebook page!: Creations By Jess

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