November 27, 2017

"Jerry's Fishing Spot"

"Jerry's Fishing Spot"
12 X 24

This was a commission for a friend. She has such lovely pictures for me to use. This made me think of the lake I grew up on back in Vermont.

For her, the significance is even greater. This is a memorial to her dad who recently passed away. I hope it brings back many wonderful memories they had together and keeps his memory alive for her two sweet girls as well!

Photo by: Brittany Willis

November 1, 2017

"Joy of Horses 2"

:Joy of Horses 2"
20 X 20

Born from the enthusiasm of the first, the second followed once I convinced myself not to make any changes to "Joy of Horses". This also gave me the same enjoyment as I watched it appear on my canvas. My hands were all I used for this, no brushes. I feel like I have rediscovered the joy of my childhood!

Thank you to Cedar Grove Farm for the use of their photo as my reference!

Photo by Cedar Grove Farm

"Joy of Horses"

"Joy of Horses"
20 X 20

 Sometimes we need to let out work be play! Lately I have been experimenting more and more with finger paintings. These are paintings done entirely with my hands. No brushes.

I think I enjoy this method the most! It isn't as exact an art, but I think that is where my appreciation for it lies. I don't want to copy a photograph to the letter. I want to breathe myself into my works. I want to look at what I have done and be able to remember the joy I felt as it was created. I want to see my impact on each canvas especially when compared to its reference.

I know that this style will not be met with great praise from some, but I don't paint for others' joy; I paint for my own with the hope that others will see my joy and gain something from it.

Thank you to Karen Broemmelsick for the use of her gorgeous photo as a reference!

Photo by Karen Broemmelsick


16 X 20

While playing around with finger painting on a canvas that desperately needed to be redone, this emerged. I used a reference photo my sister took from one of our Vermont winters. We loved the snow! 

Photo by Megan Burnett