October 19, 2017

Horses and Dandelions

"Horses and Dandelions"
24 X 36

Photo by Cedar Grove Farm

Greatly inspired by Iris Scott who finger paints all her paintings in oils; this piece came out of nowhere while being the fulfillment of all the great art I have been studying of late. I put my hands in the paint and this is what emerged. I didn't originally intend to do a finger painting or a painting of these particular horses.. I had something else in mind entirely, but the inspiration struck and I jumped in with both feet (hands??).

My friends at Cedar Grove Farm have given me permission to use their photographs in my work, and I'm so glad I saved this one because it just begged to be put to canvas!

This is probably one of the first times I have felt a style truly emerge and didn't feel like I was forcing it. I love this piece.. I may be the only one who does, but I cannot wait to proudly display this.

October 8, 2017

Jessica's Monet #13

"Jessica's Monet #13"
9 X 12
"Jessica's Monet #6"
16 X 20

This piece was commissioned after my mom fell in love with the same one I painted before that my sister bought. So she asked me to paint her a smaller copy. As you can see they are slightly different, but obviously from the same reference. This is another of Monet's. His piece is called "The Red Boats, Argenteuil" and if you click the link you can see his piece.

Jessica's Monet #12

"Jessica's Monet #12"
8 X 10

I have painted this before and will include that version at the end, but I had a small printed copy of Monet's piece and wanted to try painting a smaller version of it than I did before. I really enjoy painting 8 X 10s right now while my time is limited. Monet's piece is called "The Garden at Argenteuil" Aka "The Dahlias". If you want to see his piece, click the link!

Here is my larger version I painted last year.

"Jessica's Monet #3"
24 X 36