July 25, 2016

Bucket List: Paint a portait

So even when I know I want to try something knew, it often takes a kick in the pants for me to actually try it out.

My brother recently e-mailed and asked me if I was up for a portrait of him and his girlfriend on their motorcycles. As a totally knew area of painting for me, I jumped on the chance to try it (and get paid for it too!! =D) and even if I messed it up, I knew my brother would understand!! lol

I'm not sure when I would've tried a portrait if he hadn't gotten the ball rolling.

There were some completely different techniques to put into practice and some challenges I hadn't run across yet.... Faces actually can't be tweaked the same way a mountain or tree can be.. and it needed to look like them!

After I completed their painting and sent to them (they loved it, BTW) I wanted to try another face. It was easier when I had someone give me what they wanted rather than having to figure out a subject myself. Luckily my dad sent me some pictures from when he and my mom went out on their pond.. One jumped out at me as a perfect next attempt.

I am surprised by how satisfying doing a portrait is!! Probably my most satisfying work.. maybe because of the added challenge.

I hope you like!

For more, check me out on Facebook!

July 15, 2016

New Adventure

"New Adventure"
16 X 20
Acrylic on Canvas
 My husband and I recently celebrated 9 years of marriage. The myriad of adventures, trials, joys and regular days seems astounding if I think about it! We have cried together, laughed together and grown together! We love each other more than we could've imagined possible 9 years ago.

I have recently been trying my hand at portraits. My first I will post about soon! But this is one I have wanted to do, but didn't think I could pull it off. My brother recently commissioned my first portrait of him and his girlfriend, and after completing that (which was probably one of my most challenging pieces), I had a whole new level of confidence to throw at my canvas! The painting here is essentially a self-portrait. =)

Also, a shout-out to my cousin Matt Burnett who was the photographer at my wedding! A better artist than I could dream to be! Thank you for your inspiration!

I'm excited to see what new things I tackle... Portraits of my kids maybe?? or maybe one of YOU! Let me know if you would like one done! All my pricing for commissioned pieces is under the 'Choose your Own' tab on the regular computer version! (Mobile version limits what you can see).
If you can't find what you need, just e-mail me at jess.hooser@gmail.com! I would be happy to e-mail you my pricing!

For more, we're on Facebook!