April 28, 2016

Cedarbrook Studio

I have found that many photographers are very friendly towards painters who want to use their work to inspire our own. I recently asked a very talented photographer who lives in Barnet, Vermont (my home town) about using her work for my paintings. She agreed! Yay! And today I finished my first piece produced from a fantastic photograph she took of the view from Devil's Hill in the Groton State Forest, Vermont.

Sarah takes photographs of all kinds, my favorites are of all the beautiful places in Barnet, Peacham, Groton and surrounding areas that I remember when I was growing up. My favorite things to paint are all of those places that I have seen and love. Having these views up on my walls is especially satisfying!

Sarah's website is www.cedarbrookstudio.com. She is also on Facebook! Cedarbrook Studio. Here is what I was able to recreate and following is her beautiful photopraph!

"Secrets of Devil's Hill"
Acrylic on Canvas
30 X 40

For more, follow us on Facebook! Creations By Jess

April 25, 2016

Do Pianos Count as Art?

I have been a fan of re-purposing old pieces of furniture for some time, yet haven't had the opportunity to try it myself until recently.
I have been dying to get my hands on an old piano.. (with limited funds to use towards that goal) We finally found a free one on Craigslist (use site with caution!) that was a very reasonable distance from us.

The goal is to gut, clean, build shelves into it; with as much original pieces showing as possible. Then to paint the exterior to update for a brand-new piece of furniture that will hold my electric keyboard and serve as a bookshelf.

I'm thinking blue... Are you as excited as I am for the After photos??  Here are the before.

For more, follow us on Facebook! Creations By Jess

April 22, 2016

My first REAL studio!

I have nearly completed my studio. This will be my creating space. Kiddos won't be allowed (except for painting lessons or sewing lessons!). I'm so excited to have a space that is my own. We have never lived in a home large enough for this to be possible. Just two more doors to hang and it will be complete for me to get messy again!
First on my list of creations: Large 2 foot by 3 foot painting for above our fireplace! What shall I paint????? Horses? Ocean? Lighthouse?? Choices, choices!!

April 7, 2016

Me too, Mommy!

Two of my daughters share a room. When they saw their brother's mural, they were excited to get one of their own! I happily obliged and took to Pinterest to find inspiration. Castles are definitely a challenge, but my girls are happy to imagine life as princesses in a castle!

For those who are curious, this is what inspired me.

Bucket List: Paint a Mural.... and... Check!

My son loves anything with pirates, ships or ocean. He wanted me to do a painting for him, so this is what happened. 

Since painting a mural was a bucket list item, I might've gotten carried away with his picture, but he loves it and that's all that matters!

Here is what I used for inspiration. I found this picture on pinterest and with a few modifications, created my own version.