May 27, 2019

Blowing Bubbles

This painting is of a moment captured from a couple years ago. I always thought it would be neat if I could transfer it to canvas in an impressionistic way.

This year is the year of original work. I am getting away from copying the masters. I want to capture my own life in a similar manner to Monet. The people he painted were his family. The scenery was near where he lives. It isn't enough for me to just paint pretty pictures.. I want my art to mean something; even if it's meaning is only known to my family.

It is different having to put something together that might not lend itself to canvas. Part of the fun is trying NOT to make it exactly like the photo. I don't want a copy of my photo. I want a painting. I operate my life off a 'simple is better' mentality and painting is no exception for me. I want to leave a little to the imagination.

I hope you enjoy this painted moment in time as much as my daughters did in real life.

"Blowing Bubbles"
16 X 20

April 8, 2019



I found out this past week that my first horse passed away. It was an strong mix of emotions when I found out. I said my goodbyes when I sold her many years ago, but to know that she doesn't roam a green field or open gates she shouldn't or weave in her stall anymore is a different kind of sad.

Winnie impacted me in so many ways. She helped me grow up. She inspired my love of horse training and showed me I could actually succeed in it. She came to me barely rideable when I was 14 and totally unprepared for such a project. I remember crying in frustration that it wan't how I imagined, but also experienced some of my most memorable moments with her.

I went everywhere with that horse. All the dirt roads near my house have seen her. I jumped her over anything I thought we wouldn't break our neck on... I raced her with friend's horses (and could barely stop her). I fought through teaching her to load in a trailer and eventually succeeded. I road her in the lake bareback and occasionally I road on her backwards. I went to shows with her. I ground drove her and sat in the field reading while she ate dandelions. I even chased cows on her to the dismay of the very upset bovine owner....

She made her mark on me. She taught me to be patient; kind; to forgive and to deal with anger. She taught me that I could make situations better with a little hard work. She kept me looking ahead to the next thing I could learn. I have thought of her often over the years as other horses have come and gone and while raising my kids and still using the patience, kindness and resiliency she taught me all those years ago.

You never forget your first horse.

Back Home

8 X 10

The house I grew up in. It sure has some great angles to paint!

February 12, 2019

Candles in the Window

This painting is special as it has a story to it.

You may not see them, but there are candles in the windows.

When we went to visit my parents, my mom told my kids that they could come over whenever they saw the candles on in the windows. It meant that she and Pop-pop were both up and ready for them to come play!

We enjoyed a spectacular snowstorm during our visit and this is a painting from one of the pictures I took of my four older kids running to Grammy and Pop-pop's house because their wait for the candles to turn on was over! They would wait by the window of the house we stayed in and watch carefully for them to come on! So sweet..

Old West Road- Memory Lane

The road by my childhood home <3