November 4, 2016

'Til Death Do Us Part

Sketch on canvas
Weddings are such a wonderful thing! As a challenge to myself and an attempt at a nice gift, I turned my brush to another portrait. I have done a portrait from my own wedding, but it was more distant; less detailed. This choice of photo was based off of my friend's photographer and her perception that this was a favorite of the newly married couple's.... Much to my dismay at the potential challenges the photo would present!

My first thought was to tell her to pick the second favorite!! I didn't think I could pull it off. This was going to be tough! But I figure if it flopped, I could send a different gift, and they would never know! It was worth it to try!

This took two weeks to complete... working on it for two hours every other day or so... My most time-consuming piece... but well worth it! I learned so much painting this!! The results speak for themselves and I wouldn't hesitate to state this as my best work to date!

Acrylic on Canvas
16 X 20
Ashleigh Laureen Photography2016
My friend has graciously permitted me to post the painting on my website for you all to enjoy as has her photographer who permitted me to use her work to paint from! Directly above is a copy of her photo from Ashleigh Laureen Photography. Thank you all so much!!