June 15, 2016

Falling Water

Today I had some fun working without a picture. I'm generally not very good at it, because my brain needs inspiration to work from; but every once in awhile, I like to try my hand at it again. I took some pictures of the painting in different stages, and I thought it would be fun to show them here!

My canvas is one I got at a warehouse full of junk. It looks gray in the picture, and that was from another painter doing a prime coat for something they intended to paint. The edges are kinda frayed, but we need a few more pictures for the house, and this is a larger canvas (24 x 36!!) than my normal 16 x 20 inches.

Honestly, the first thing I did was add the waterfall.. then some water below and sky above.. All I knew at this stage is "I want to paint a waterfall"... What do you think so far???

 Okay, so maybe it needs a little something more. Sheer rock walls???? Might be able to handle that!!

Spice up the water, add a little froth and a rock at the bottom, tweak the rock walls.. now we are getting somewhere!!

Hmm... Mountains in the background?? Change the sky completely?? I think YES! oh, and ADD SOME MORE Waterfalls! You can see me change my mind about things in these pictures.

Pretty tree branches with flowers and a pine tree on the other side... maybe a rock for water to splash off. Doesn't get much better than that!!

Add birds in the distance and signature!

Here is the final view. =)

For paintings for sale, check out the sale page, and like us on Facebook!

June 2, 2016

Field and Sky

 Another tribute to a painter-welcoming photographer! Taylor Franta Photography has given me permission to use his work for my own! His pictures are stunning! Hard to choose what to work from first, so I took a look through his pictures and stopped dead at this one! Love the color! Hopefully this is the first of many paintings from his work. Find him on Facebook too!

I call this "Field and Sky". It is an acrylic on canvas, 16 x 20. Check out the 'for sale' page for more info!

Photo by Taylor Franta Photography

For more, Like my Facebook Page: Creations By Jess